Haxan Vol. 1
A collection of 3 Short stories revolving around the magic users known as Haxan. These stories, set in the world of Side Questers, contain scenes of horror and violence and reveal the darkness at the heart of magic. Collected in a 60 page Black and white volume.
Side Questers #1
1. Fetch me the Lizard Man
To serve The lord of her land, her gods, stop a returning evil from searing the world bare, and help peasants with their everyday troubles, a pious warrior must join forces with an infamous Lizard-man.
Issue 1 of the series.
Haxan Vol. 2
A selection of 4 short stories dealing with Magic users, called Haxan, that range from mischievous, noble, sadistic, and cruel. This collection contains stories set in the world of Side Questers. Haxan v. 2 is a 60 page volume in color.
Side Questers Vol. 1
The First complete arc of the Fantasy series.
Cyndi is an honorable soldier with the drive to serve the people and her gods; Yaron is a 9ft Lizardman with a big hammer and a terrifying reputation; They are about to be Best Friends.
Side Questers is a fantasy adventure series about friendship, altruism, and smashing monsters. For lovers of Headlopper, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser, and grounded fantasy.
Collects issues 1-8. 220 pgs